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German machine tool industry optimistic about 2013 market outlook

Date:2014-1-20 click:1265times

German machine tool industry optimistic about 2013 market outlook
   2012 German machine tool production increased significantly, highlighting the importance of the Asian market
  After two years of rapid development, after production of the German machine tool industry is still expected to usher in 2013 a slight increase of 1%. "This means that the industry will return to 2008 highs." German Machine Tool Manufacturers Association Chairman Martin Karp (Martin Kapp) lies in the association's annual press conference held in Frankfurt, said.
Karp said the development of the machine tool industry in 2012 was better than expected. Orders are filled to capacity throughout the year and higher capacity utilization boosted its full-year production, rising 9% to promote the machine tool industry, the output value of 14.1 billion euros.
  German machine tool exports hit record high
  German machine tool exports to the next level in 2012, reaching 9.5 billion euros, or up to 20 percent, a record high.
China is still Germany's largest machine tool exporter. 2012 China imported from German machine than Germany's second largest exporter - more than twice the U.S., worth about 2.4 billion euros, an increase of 14%. To achieve the modernization of the production line, the U.S. industrial sector also choose to import the German machine tool. As of November 2012, the German machine tool exports have been higher than the 2008 record set by one-third. Even in the baseline and much lower sales in the Spanish market, the financial crisis, sales are still higher than the previous year.
In the middle of a risk-averse customers based in Germany domestic machine tool market, sales were relatively stagnant for 6.8 billion euros, still below pre-crisis levels.
  Production in January 2013 capacity utilization was 92.4%, slightly lower than the 2012 average. As of October 2012, order backlog fell to 8.3 months, more than 2,011 young nearly a month.  Orders in 2012, as expected, more than one-tenth of the highest levels by 2011. Demand mainly from the U.S. and European markets and forming technology markets. The largest segment of the market comes from the German and international automotive industry stamping craft market. Due to the high proportion of project economics by the limited impact of the business cycle, so the overall volatility is not.
  According to the latest data in December 2012, the salary expenses of the machine tool industry average growth of 5%, employment of about 71,000 people.
The big winner in international competition
2012 German machine tool industry output impressive, much to throw off its major competitors in the global market, is well deserved winner. Excluding currency factors, China's machine tool production has declined, while Japan halted; Although the U.S. domestic market is active, the machine tool production increased by 7%, but still lost to Germany; Meanwhile, machine tool production in Europe rose only reached half the level in Germany. Exports, the German machine tool supplier again with Japanese counterparts juxtaposition.
Promising 2013
  Oxford Economic Research Institute of the German machine tool industry again in making optimistic outlook for 2013 forecasts. When industrial production and fixed asset investment will usher in a more substantial growth worldwide. The increase was mainly concentrated in Asia and the United States.
For the German machine tool industry, which means the order level will remain stable, and the main stimulus still comes from Asia. Despite China's machine tool orders had plummeted 30 percent, but according to recent indicators show that its orders had picked up the machine again. January 2013, purchasing managers' index from the lowest point in August 2012 rose 52 points. Industrial production also achieved double-digit growth again.
  Karp said confidently: "Overall, in 2013 the macroeconomic environment in good shape, for the development of the industry provided a lot of power for months, the world's purchasing managers' index and the German machine tool industry IFO economic sentiment index and other early economic indicators. it has been an upward trend. "but Karp also believes that, in contrast, the German domestic market continued to slump, the main reasons for the increase in Germany to discuss taxes, the energy conversion faltering, high energy prices and European financial institutions are not uncertainty, coupled with incalculable market factors, especially the German government announced an increase in workers' wages, so that German investors feel very uneasy.
More German machine tool production to overseas
  In 2012, about two-fifths of global machine tool production in China, worth about 66 billion euros. Despite the slow market growth holds many lessons, but the future demand for machine tools in Asia remain strong momentum, while the traditional machine tool market in Western Europe will be unable to continue to meet this demand. German machine tool vendors will be challenged to adjust marketing and production structures.
  German Machine Tool Manufacturers Association A recent survey shows that in 2011, the German supplier of overseas manufacturing plants production business increased by nearly 60%, the output value of 1.7 billion euros, and the creation of 7,750 domestic jobs, the employment rate increased by 15% . German suppliers overseas manufacturing plants mainly in Switzerland, the U.S. and Brazil, China is a rising star. Only in 2011, the German manufacturing operations in China has increased by 55%. This momentum is expected to inject more life into the industry, but also will hire more employees.
  Work together to improve efficiency  
  Karp believes the division of labor is a reasonable business model. He therefore believed that the German machine tool suppliers should cooperate more closely. He said that the division of labor can effectively improve efficiency. He further said that the business is not necessarily allies cooperation in financial terms. Far apart the two markets may also cooperate by providing service support and spare parts inventory, etc..
 "Intelligent Production" debut in 2013 EMO Hannover
  In the process of organizing production operations, the international machine tool users facing tremendous cost pressures and extremely rigorous cost-benefit requirements, but must maximize productivity, and minimize the impact on the environment. Intelligent production for the international machine tool users respond to these challenges provide an important solution. Can continue to provide intelligent manufacturing solutions provider will occupy unparalleled competitive advantage. EMO Hannover session will be held 16-21 September 2013, in the "intelligent production" theme showcasing these solutions.
  On this global metalworking industry exhibition event, will gather numerous machine manufacturer. In addition, some heavyweight speakers will also attend various ancillary support activities organized by the same period, including the German Association of Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Assembly to "produce intelligent" in the title. "Technology · source of power" (section will focus on lean and flexible production value creation chain is characterized by manufacturing excellence, sustainability and resource conservation in order based on the efficient production, as well as intelligent network-based industrial revolution and the fourth production .
In addition, various support activities will greatly deepen the value of the show, including a two-day "New Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology" Conference and Exhibition, the focus of the talks, India and the "blue energy efficiency," the name of energy efficiency solutions for exhibitions.



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