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Tool industry development in the form of an interim analysis of 2013

Date:2014-1-20 click:1229times

  From the changes in the macroeconomic policy tool to see the transformation and upgrading of the road sector
  From 2012, China's tool industry has experienced after 10 consecutive years of rapid development, sales situation worsened, entering a market slump not seen for years. Majority of the industry in general have such a doubt that this recession is the result of macroeconomic regulation established it? According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's 2012 GDP growth rate of 7.8%, although this rate is low since the new century, but from a global perspective, is still ranked first. Should be said that macroeconomic fundamentals are good, but companies are struggling, what is the reason? Makes us feel more confused is that many of the country's GDP growth rate is far below, but the company's day better than us, and why?
  In developed countries, the U.S. and Japan on the two largest economies, for example, acknowledged that this year the global economic recovery is well between the two countries, forecast 2013 economic growth is expected to reach more than 2.5%. We note that this rate is far below the level of 7.8% in China. But surprisingly, these countries macroeconomic fundamentals appear a little better, it will quickly be transmitted to every area of ​​grass, resulting in a significant effect.
  All these international economic phenomenon, taking place in the country, often dazzling and unpredictable, but the basic facts are that we must face. Only the substance of these facts carefully combing and analysis tool industry to grasp the exact changes in the situation over the past year, the market downturn causes and proper countermeasures.
  First, since 2012, the operation of our business tools
  Since 2012 , the Chinese government through active regulation of behavior , the rapid economic growth indicators lowered 2 to 3 percentage points , the purpose of the regulation is to guide all sectors to focus their work on accelerating the transformation of economic development mode , and effectively improve the quality of economic development and benefits up to facilitate the realization of the longer term , higher level and better quality of development . Practice proved more than a year , the macroeconomic fundamentals continue to maintain good posture , but the real economy has been a huge hit. Struggling to run the majority of enterprises , forming a " good micro- macro weak" huge contrast . This is the biggest confusion is currently evaluating the situation encountered in the economic development of the industry .
  The operation of our tools business , is above macro and micro indicators differentiate a true reflection of the phenomenon : companies face market situation , there is no national macro-control to achieve the expected slow down, steady development objectives, but completely reversed , there has been up to double-digit negative growth. Tool market scale of China from 2011 's 40 billion yuan to 34 billion yuan reduction , representing a drop of 15% ; Meanwhile , the tool imports fell from 13.5 billion yuan to 11.5 billion yuan , representing a decline of close to 15% ; tool exports from 8.5 billion yuan fell to 7.6 billion yuan , a decline of 10.6 %.
  2012 , in the context of the overall market grim , domestic tools business performance , not as high-growth period , almost all corporate performance substantially identical situation, and presents a greater dispersion. Specifically , a few tools business , strong ability to adapt to market changes , and able to achieve sales were flat in 2011 , and even slightly better than last year , showing a real skill in the face of adversity . Sales Most companies have different degrees of decline , but the decline also presents also a large difference between 10 % to 30 %.
  2012 , multinational companies in China, sales tools , also met the winter, the average decline in sales is also about 15%. But there are two points worth noting , first, the Japanese company's sales performance, superior to U.S. and European companies . Such as: sales in Japan OSG, Mitsubishi materials in China fell by 6% down , while U.S. and European corporate sales decline of 10 % to 30 %. Preliminary analysis of the optimum cost-effective tool in Japan , is worth studying. Second, multinational corporations in the global or national sales have exceeded the Chinese market . This is the first tool to reverse years of Chinese market is rapidly expanding , growth rate ranks first in the world after continuous .
  Such as: Tool part Sandvik's 2012 sales in China showed a double-digit decline, but global sales, also grew by 1%. Japan OSG's global sales grew by 3.86 percent, but sales in Asia fell 1.89 percent, mainly due to sales in China fell by 6.5%. This change and reverse, deserves our serious attention.
  2012 tool exports fell by about 10%, it seems better than the performance of the domestic market a bit, but there are two points to be described. First, a decline in new orders last year, exports, the actual export delivery is better, there are 2011 orders in 2012 for delivery factor. Secondly, the export performance of different companies are different. In general, large quantities of low-grade tool common in double-digit decline in exports, stable quality traditional tool exports and flat or declined slightly last year, industrial tools, especially export carbide cutting tools on the rise.
  Into 2013, the overall situation in the domestic market, no significant improvement tools, tools, according to statistics branch, a quarter of member companies sales fell 15.6% in April statistical bulletin showed year on year decline narrowed to 11.14 percent, year on year decline in May continued to decline to 8%, there are signs bottomed. But the overall situation remains very grim.
  Second, careful study of national macro-policy-oriented and timely adjust their development strategies to accelerate structural adjustment and industrial upgrading, to manufacturing high-end market
  Strategic orientation of China's economic and social development : First, China's economic development can not go back past the extensive growth of old ; Second, the only way for sustainable economic development , the improvement of the market is to deepen reform , these are national level major decisions . In the current political system , the majority of enterprises manufacturing industry , and have had no direct involvement or influence major decisions such channels . But these directional decisions on long-term development of China's economy and society, have a decisive impact , the majority of enterprises must carefully study its own reality, the development of enterprises and the country's major policies closely together , to go to a vibrant on the road to sustainable development .
  On the majority of companies in terms of tools , at least in the following aspects of the national policy orientation , should be given great attention , and take appropriate measures to deal with the practical work .
  First, the transformation of economic development is an important focus insist building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society , the development of extensive quantity expansion mode, will exit the stage of history. A large number of low-grade tool tool industry production capacity , the export tax rebate on the state to maintain the operation , excess capacity can be such a waste of resources , will phase out of the column .
  According to the U.S. Global Insight (HIS Global Insight) published data, the scale of China's manufacturing industry in 2011 accounted for 19.9% ​​of global proportion, but the tools for the manufacturing services industry, its main raw material consumption, high-speed steel, but the proportion in the world in more than 50%, accounting for over 40% of carbide. This asymmetry consumption ratio, indicating a huge waste of resources, can not continue.
  Therefore, the tool industry transformation of economic development, it means that a high consumption of inefficient tool to eliminate excess capacity, an urgent need to develop a modern and efficient tool manufacturing, with minimal resource consumption, and provide maximum productivity. Needless to say, this process will make the tool industry enterprises constitute, according to the principle of survival of the fittest, re-shuffle.
  Second, the next 10 years, China's manufacturing industry to accelerate the transition from large to strong pace. Intension is very clear, the overall yield of the manufacturing overcapacity, the scale will not be expanded, but the level should be substantially increased. Thus, the tool manufacturing industry to meet the new demand, not supply increase in the number, but to improve service levels.
  Looking ahead 10 years, the development of manufacturing technology and equipment, first of all, green is a prerequisite. Secondly, there are five major trends on the features: high productivity, high performance, highly flexible, adaptive control and modularity. The tool requirement is both high performance and stability, both life and efficiency, reduced cutting power consumption. To meet these new requirements, the tool in the tool business to system design, materials technology and coating technology, a new breakthrough. Technically, if complacent, lazy, will be eliminated in the rapid development of the manufacturing industry.
  Third, the tool enterprises to enter the field of the development of modern and efficient tool to complete a major shift in the role : from a simple tool supplier , converted into the overall manufacturing process technology solutions provider.
  We mentioned several times in the industry development strategy seminar had , our tool for businesses in recent years through the introduction of foreign advanced technology and equipment , and efficient tool manufacturing capacity has greatly improved in many areas to achieve import substitution . However , many enterprises in the supply of the tool in the future , lack of extension services to provide users with comprehensive capabilities , so at the high end , often more than one import substitution , the entire size of the market expansion is very slow. This is a major gap between Chinese enterprises and foreign advanced level tools exist. Must be determined to solve .
  It should be emphasized that China is in the strategic transformation of economic development, accelerate the development of services between and related upstream and downstream enterprises to expand and improve the service needs will be a trend global. Tool industry, the majority of enterprises , in considering the future development , not only to calculate the growth of production , we must take into account the level of technology and services to enhance the soft , and may bring greater growth and efficiency.
  Difficulties encountered in our current economic development , in addition to changes in the international economic situation , leading to growth in exports blocked, insufficient aggregate demand , a large number of manufacturing overcapacity , the service sector is a particularly serious lag outstanding issues .
  According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2011 China's service industry accounted for only 35.7% of employment to accommodate the workforce , well below the 60 percent in Malaysia and 81 % in the U.S. . At the current level of economic development in China , the service sector accounted for the proportion of the total labor force should be around 50%. In the future, the main driver of China's economic growth from exports and investment towards domestic demand , it is necessary services to play a leading role . In addition, from a broad perspective, the development of services, not limited to third , first and second industry, specialization among enterprises due to the deepening of mutual service demand is also growing , the majority of enterprises must see the trends, do not miss by improving service capabilities , to promote the development of this new growth opportunities.
  The above three points , summed up the face of the current downturn in the market , the majority of enterprises must recognize the situation, do not wait for what the state has adopted policies to rescue the market . But determined to accelerate the pace of structural adjustment and industrial upgrading , to manufacturing high-end market , will usher in a new world.



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